Category Archives: Campus

Hangry? The 5 Best Places To Grab A Bite In State College

All that adulting can work up a pretty big appetite, and debating with your friends on where to eat can really put a damper on your day—there’s nothing worse than being hangry (well, besides scouring Craigslist for apartments near Penn State .

Next time your tummy goes rogue and you’re at a loss for options, don’t fret. These five places to grab a bite near Penn State off-campus housing are pretty much guaranteed to satisfy your cravings.

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5 Cheap And Romantic Date Ideas Near Ohio State University

Days have gone by, and you’ve finally worked up enough courage to text that person you met out last weekend. You erased and rewrote your text over and over again, and this time you finally decide to press send. To your shock, your crush agrees to go out with you!

Now all you have to do is come up with the perfect date—no big deal right? Well, don’t worry! We’ve narrowed down a list of things to do in Columbus near OSU off-campus housing that are sure to impress any date.

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5 Columbus Coffee Shops That Will Make You Forget About Starbucks

Calling all coffee enthusiasts, college kids who need to pull an all-nighter, or college kids that just pulled an all-nighter and now need to wake up and head to class! Need a little pick-me-up or a chill place to study? Columbus is filled with places to get your caffeine fix.

But how do you know which one is the best? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are our top picks for coffeehouses near OSU off-campus housing.

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9 Things You Have To Do Before You Graduate From Ohio State

Four years go by faster than you may think. Unlike term papers, your college experience is one thing you won’t want to procrastinate.

The Ohio State University and the area surrounding OSU off-campus housing are brimming with things to do and places to see, including many traditions that only your fellow Buckeyes would understand. So dive in and explore the campus. You can’t call yourself a Buckeye without experience everything on this list.

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5 Date Ideas Near IUP That Guarantee A Goodnight Text

For weeks, you’ve been admiring your crush who just happens to sit next to you in class. From asking for a pen to inquiring about the time, you tried everything you could to strike up a conversation. Multiple pep talks from friends—and hours of practicing in front of the mirror—later, you finally worked up enough courage to ask him/her out. And to your surprise, they said yes! What a relief.

Now the pressure is on, and you need to impress. But don’t sweat it; we’ve figured it out for you, so you don’t have to. Here’s a list of 5 butterfly-inducing date ideas you can work on when you’re not scouring IUP off-campus housing. These will practically guarantee a smiley face text after you’ve both gone home … hopefully to continue the housing search! We are Rent College Pads after all!

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The 5 Best Places To Grab A Bite Near IUP

You pulled an all-nighter studying for that chem exam, checked your Insta, had a full day of classes, checked your Facebook, met your lab partner to catch up on your project, checked your Twitter, went to soccer practice, and now you are starving!

We know the last thing you want to do after a busy day is cook your own meal. Luckily for you, we came up with five places that will cook a meal for you near IUP off-campus housing , so you don’t have to—and we’re fairly confident it’ll taste better than easy mac and ramen.

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5 Things You Need To Do Before You Graduate From IUP

Four years can seem like a pretty long time, especially when you’re in the midst of writing papers and cramming for finals. But before you know it, you’ll be walking across the stage, sporting a graduation gown and looking back on all the memories you made during your time at IUP—ones that probably have little to do with books and studying.

Unlike tweets and classes, time is one thing you can’t go back and redo—well, yet, anyway. So don’t let time go by without experiencing everything you possibly can during your time living in IUP off-campus housing apartments.
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Top 4 Coffee Shops & Breakfast Spots at IUP

The typical college student requires copious amounts of coffee to get through exams, finals week, and their big papers. Everyone knows about the Starbucks on the corner (every corner), but sometimes you want a little more local flair. We dug in to find the top 5 places near IUP off-campus housing to grab a cup of joe.

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10 Things Every Cornell Student Should Do Before Graduation

If you’re new to Cornell, you probably don’t know what to expect. Either way, college is the time to create memories that will last you a lifetime; you’re going to want to live it up and make the most of it! Luckily, there’s a lot to do near Cornell off-campus housing and the city of Ithaca to make your college years ones to remember.

Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We did a little research and settled on ten things that every Cornellian should do during their years at the University.

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