If you’re a student at Texas Tech, chances are you’ve walked around the off-campus campus area in Lubbock couldn’t help but notice there are more than a few massive, high-end student apartment complexes. The popularity of these luxury student apartments has been on the rise, with more and more being built throughout Lubbock—as well as the rest of the country—each year. More like a Mexico resort than an off-campus apartment, these companies are dishing out some extra sweet amenities to help sweeten the deal and make your college years more memorable than you could ever imagine.
Looking for off-campus housing near Texas Tech University with the sickest amenities? Check out our list of five best amenities in apartments near the Texas Tech campus in Lubbock!
Being a college student can be exhausting, between cramming for exams and writing what seems like your 100th term paper, it’s safe to say once in awhile you’ve earned yourself a well deserved break from the stressors of school. It’s no secret that most college students are broke, so we’ve come up with a list of 5 things (besides looking for your perfect UIUC off-campus housing rental, of course) you can do on the UIUC campus that won’t break the bank and will have you feel like you’re ballin’ on a budget!
After doing a year or two of hard time in the medium security correctional facility commonly referred to as “on-campus living”, students are itching for the freedom of living off-campus. No rules. No RA’s. No more shuffling down the hall in a towel to your room after a shower. Just freedom. But that freedom comes at a price: Rent.
While living off-campus is traditionally cheaper than living on-campus, that doesn’t mean that by choosing to live off-campus you’ll suddenly be paying thousands less in living expenses and start living like someone from Fancy Living Digest. What it actually means is that you’ll be paying a little less than you would in the dorms, but you’ll have more freedoms (and responsibilities).
Unfortunately for students across the nation, the cost of college is rising 8 times faster than the cost of wages (yikes) which makes paying for rent increasingly more difficult. Sure, there are a ton of ways to make sure you don’t end up having to sell a kidney (or two) to pay for next semester’s rent, like keeping what’s important in mind when you’re looking for your next place – I.e., lazy rivers, 24-hour fitness centers, indoor something-ball courts, and personal masseuses are not necessary amenities to have in your next rental.
However, when you attend any of our 10 campuses with super high rents, you’re going to be stuck.
While there are hundreds of different factors leading up to why these schools have the most expensive average rent prices for student renters, the main factors that affect the cost of rent include: Enrollment, Luxury Apartments, School Prestige, and Vacancy Rate. So let’s dive into the reasons why each campus is so expensive.
Home of the Buckeyes, Ohio State University is one of the largest public universities in the nation. With its wealth of resources for students, people from all walks of life come to experience the OSU tradition. With that said, there is one thing that most students have in common with one another. And no, we’re not talking about deciding what classes you still need to enroll in or where to live next year. Although, using College Pads to find Ohio State off-campus housing to find your next apartment wouldn’t do you any harm; we’re just keeping your best interest at hand. Getting back on track, we’re talking about being broke.
Have you ever felt like you couldn’t partake in activities or indulge in expensive meals because being a student was extremely expensive? It’s like every dollar you have needs to go towards something related to a class.
However, being a student at OSU and being broke doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t make the most of every dollar you spent. So, we’ve created the list below of how you can take your OSU student status to the next level and save a bit of money along the way.
I’ve got too much money and free time to know what to do with … said no Indiana State student ever (except for ones who find their Indiana State off-campus housing via College Pads … hint hint). Being broke goes hand in hand with being a college student. Unfortunately for us, dating someone new can be pretty expensive. Almost every first date idea includes dinner, drinks, or some kind of pricey activity – sure, you can go Dutch on the bill (it’s 2020 after all) but that doesn’t mean that coughing up the dough is going to be any easier.
But, what if we told you that you can still go on fun dates in Terre Haute (dramatic pause) that don’t require you to take out another student loan?
No, we’re not pulling your leg – there are actually fun dates you can go on that won’t break your bank. We’ve created a list of things to do on-campus at Indiana State University that are fun AND budget conscious.
It’s been said that there are three versions of you. We don’t know who said that, but they said it and they are wrong. According to Dr. Dolly Parton and her breakthroughs in human psychology, there are actually four versions of you: The LinkedIn You, Facebook You, The Tinder You, and more importantly – The Instagram You. The Instagram You is the best version of yourself. It’s the version of you that makes everyone think you’re living your best life 24/7 … when in actuality most of the time you’re as hungover and lost as the rest of us. But in the spirit of keeping the illusion going, we’ve created a list of the best spots in Tucson to snap a few pics for your Gram (when you’re not looking for an apartment near the University of Arizona.)
What’s the value of a degree? It’s tough to say exactly, but it certainly isn’t what it once was.
The message of necessity with regard to college is reinforced from the first day of elementary school to high school graduation. You must go to college. Without a college degree, you’ll be in trouble. It still holds true that college graduates typically have more earning power than those who don’t graduate college, but the rate of return on a degree isn’t what it once was.
Nationally, the cost of education is rising far faster than the expected salary of college graduates. Hear recent grads complaining about their loans? The complaints are only going to get louder and extend longer given the current trend.
No one denies that tuition and fees have exploded over the past decade. Every state is fighting the same battle.
We analyzed tuition and fees at four-year public schools nationally against the median salary for college graduates and found a troubling trend. Students are paying far more for their degrees without the same rate of return on salary once they graduate. We found the percentage of tuition and fees against the expected salary after graduation in 2005 and then compared it to 2015. Below is a reflection of the change in the percentage of tuition and fees over that 10-year span. Continue reading → 2025-03-12 19:34:57 Dominic Anzalone
Whether you’re new to the fitness scene or consider yourself a gym rat, it’s easy to get stuck repeating the same workout routine over and over and over. Seriously, is anything more intimidating than trying out a new exercise when you have no idea if you’re doing it right? Yeah, we thought not.
While literally any exercise is better than no exercise, doing the same thing over and over can get boring. Check out our list of fitness classes to try at Rutgers University (and we highly recommend getting fitness from these, rather than from running around New Brunswick looking for Rutgers off-campus housing … we can help with that part) that will keep you from falling into a workout rut.
What is the one thing that will get you through your next semester at App State University? Is it getting enough sleep? A balanced diet? Doing all the assigned readings? While those are all good guesses, the answer is actually drinking your body weight in coffee.
Okay, drinking a ton of coffee isn’t the answer to all the problems you’ll encounter in college … but it will definitely help get you through a few all-nighters. And we’re going to spill the beans on the top 5 best spots near App State to grab a coffee … or six.
Look, we get it – being a college student isn’t always easy. But, do you know what also isn’t easy? Trying to land a job after you graduate without having anything to put on your resume other than your name and GPA. Raise your hand if you feel a little attacked.Continue reading →