The 5 Instagram Accounts You Have To Follow If You Go To UVA
The Rotunda at the University of Virginia (Flickr)

The Rotunda at the University of Virginia (Flickr)

1. @wahoofood

Looking to break up a newsfeed of girls in pearls and guys in ties with some wahoo-approved food pics? Look no further—wahoofood is sure to satisfy your deepest cravings. This student-run account devotes itself to posting pictures of the best treats that UVA and Charlottesville have to offer. From glamorous shots of Bodo’s bagels to scrumptious snaps of gooey Christian’s pizza, @wahoofood knows how to make your mouth water. You’ll find pictures of tried-and-true favorites right alongside some brand new creations and locations you’ll be dying to try. And when you do, be sure to submit your best shots to the account—hoo knows, your food might be featured next!

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Seven Top Rated Cedar Falls Landlords: University of Northern Iowa Off-Campus Housing
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The Union at the University of Northern Iowa. (Flickr)

Summer has reached its end [insert sad face here] and the school year is here. That means it’s time to put down that ice-cold beer and pick up your laptop, because the search for apartments near Cedar Falls begins again!

Finding a home that isn’t the stereotypical college house (damaged, dirty, and in an area infested by party-crazed college animals) is harder than it may seem. Worry not, because we have the tools necessary for you to get through these stressful times with ease. We have done our research, so you don’t have to. We searched long and hard for the best landlords in the Cedar Falls area near the University of Northern Iowa.

Thankfully for us, quite a few residents left some very helpful feedback. So we’ve sifted through luxurious apartments to residences unfit for well…anyone and have come up with the best of the best! Continue reading

9 Reasons You Know You Went To UVA
Lock and cheese from Bodo's. Yum. (Flickr)

Lock and cheese from Bodo’s. Yum. (Flickr)

1. You know your Bodo’s order by heart. Bodo’s is near and dear to every UVA student’s heart. This legendary bagel spot is the place many students miss the most when they go home for break. Their bagels are perfect for an on-the-go snack, and their food is some of the cheapest on the Corner. It’s no wonder that everyone craves a delicious Bodo’s bagel. Sometimes, if you wake up early enough, you will see a line of students outside the door participating in a classic UVA tradition–they are waiting to get the #1 ticket in line. Getting the #1 ticket gives you unlimited bragging rights! Continue reading

Muncie Apartments and Houses: Ten Top Rated Ball State Landlords
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Be bold. Investigate your Ball State living situation. (Flickr)

If you’re just starting to search for a place to live near campus, it can be difficult to figure out which are the best landlords and Muncie apartments near BSU . Searching for an apartment or house to rent can be overwhelming, especially in a college town like Muncie where there are so many options … including some less than stellar ones.

We understand what it means to find the right landlord. Fearing the collapse of your balcony when it rains or patching up holes in the wall during December are hardly anyone’s definition of an ideal living situation. Don’t end up in a bad spot with a neglectful landlord.

Landlords can come in many different forms, whether it’s personal or managed by a company. However, obtaining the title of “a good landlord” isn’t something just anyone can do. Here’s what being a good landlord means to us:

  1. Fixes maintenance issues promptly
  2. Easy to get in contact with
  3. Respects the tenant privacy by giving advanced notice before coming over
  4. Listens to tenant concerns with the property
  5. Knows who is obligated to do what in maintaining the household
  6. Treats residents with respect

Unfortunately, not all landlords abide by these standards and it’s important to differentiate where they fall on the awful to excellent spectrum before signing your lease. This task can be difficult when you’re expected to make a decision whether or not you’re putting down your security deposit after one or two showings.

Before you decide to put down that security deposit, finish your homework and know which landlords have the best reputation. Continue reading

UMN Off-Campus Housing: 10 Top Rated University of Minnesota Landlords
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The bridge back to campus in Dinkytown, which houses many of the best places near UMN. (Flickr)

The sun starts to disappear faster, nights get colder, and thousands of students need to begin their search for UMN off-campus housing. The return of fall brings about many new beginnings, and none of them are quite like moving into a new house or apartment to begin a new chapter of your life. But almost as soon as you move into a new place, it’s time to start looking for the next one.

Such is the life of a college student.

For students at the University of Minnesota, there are a lot of choices and decisions you have to make when it comes to housing. Marcy Holmes? Dinkytown? Stadium Village? Each neighborhood offers its advantages and type of community. With such a vibrant and growing off campus housing community around Minnesota, figuring out where you’re going to move next can be overwhelming.

To make things a little easier on you, we’ve decided to run through University of Minnesota apartments and houses for rent and compile a list of the UMN off-campus housing choices with the most favorable reviews on Google. Continue reading

When should you look for off-campus housing near Winona State University?

winona stateThe same thing happens every September in Winona. Students get back to class, and as soon as they start getting adjusted to their new professors and syllabi, they have to start preparing for an even bigger adjustment: a new place to live. It may seem crazy to be thinking about where you will live for the following school year a whole year ahead of time, but if you are a Winona State University student it is something you have to think about.

Thanks to Google and personal experience, we know the best time for undergraduates to start looking is September-early October. You’ll still be able to find housing after this period, but during said time you will find the best deals closer to campus. Continue reading

High Street Is The Best Street for Partying at Ohio State University
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This is where it goes down at Ohio State. (Flickr)

We challenge anyone to walk down any street on the Ohio State campus near OSU off-campus housing during game day and not be enticed to party like you’ve never partied before. Whether you’re into house parties, or you like to do your partying at the bar, you’re going to find somewhere to, uh, have a good time in Columbus. Continue reading

5 Top Rated Blacksburg Landlords: Virginia Tech Off-Campus Housing
virginia tech off-campus housing

The scenic Virginia Tech campus. (Flickr)

The start of the fall semester at Virginia Tech means college football is finally back in session, college basketball is right around the corner, and housing season is getting started. Students at Virginia Tech begin to look for housing for next year as soon as late September every year. As current and recent students ourselves, we understand the difficulty of finding a house that fits all of your needs, but it’s also important to think beyond just finding the right Virginia Tech off-campus housing options for rent. Finding the right landlord is just as important.

You don’t have to lease from an unresponsive landlord, though. Here are a few key factors to look for in your landlord before signing your lease:

  • Response Time: How quickly do they respond to your calls and emails when you’re setting up a showing? Warning! If you’re having trouble getting in contact with them now, it’s probable that this is going to carry over when you’ve got water leaking from the ceiling after a harsh rainstorm.
  • Online Reviews: If you research your potential future landlord and find nothing but bad reviews, do NOT sign a lease with them. If they received a one-star rating by the majority of their previous tenants, they received it for a reason.
  • Tardiness: If your Virginia Tech off-campus housing landlord is late to show you the house, beware, this is a sign that they do not respect you or your time.
  • Repairs: If you’re viewing a property in Blacksburg that requires maintenance before moving in, make sure to clarify the repair dates before moving in. If they are unsure or do not give you a specific date the repairs will be finished, this could be because they are not in active in maintaining the property.
  • Leasing Contract: If your landlord has passed all of the above, the last step is to review your lease. If there are many errors in your contract, hesitate before signing a lease with them. Shoddy contracts show that they are not knowledgeable in the legal side of property management. Not only could that negatively impact them in the future, but you could also get tied up in unfavorable legal circumstances.

Each landlord interacts with tenants and responds to maintenance issues in their way. To help you have the best housing experience possible, here are a few landlords you might want to consider in the Blacksburg area. Continue reading

Temple University: 10 Top Philadelphia Landlords
temple off-campus housing

Temple in downtown Philadelphia. (Flickr)

Everyone is familiar with the horrors of finding a new living arrangement while you’re enrolled in college. There are numerous tales of roommates eating your food and destroying your sleeping habits, the upstairs neighbors who practice league bowling the early hours of the morning, and even something as simple as getting a room the size of your roommate’s closet. All of these are nightmare problems that you wish you would’ve known about. But it doesn’t have to be that way when you look for Temple off-campus housing. There are plenty of quality Temple University off-campus housing with great landlords out there ready to provide you with a place that’s comfortable.

Because we understand the struggles you’re going through; we’ve done our best to make finding your next Temple apartment or house for rent much easier. We researched apartment/house rental property companies around the Philadelphia area near Temple and used their Google Review/Yelp/Whatever Review Service People Actually Left Reviews On scores to give you ten that stand out. Continue reading

Need Housing In East Lansing? Check Out These Top Rated East Lansing Landlords
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There are many landlords to celebrate around Michigan State. (Flickr)

Moving off-campus for the first time comes with its own bundle of emotions. You’re happy, scared, excited, nervous, maybe you’re hungry, we can’t guess everything you’re feeling. But we do know is that it’s always a struggle to find the right first landlord. No need to fear, (or stress eat) Rent College Pads is here. We searched far and wide looking for the top five rated landlords that provide MSU off-campus housing.

Properties around the Michigan State campus have accumulated tons of reviews on Google. Many other students who once were searching for MSU off-campus housing have taken the time to help you by raving about their landlords. How thoughtful of them. Continue reading