Lock and cheese from Bodo’s. Yum. (Flickr)
1. You know your Bodo’s order by heart. Bodo’s is near and dear to every UVA student’s heart. This legendary bagel spot is the place many students miss the most when they go home for break. Their bagels are perfect for an on-the-go snack, and their food is some of the cheapest on the Corner. It’s no wonder that everyone craves a delicious Bodo’s bagel. Sometimes, if you wake up early enough, you will see a line of students outside the door participating in a classic UVA tradition–they are waiting to get the #1 ticket in line. Getting the #1 ticket gives you unlimited bragging rights!
2. You’ve taken a Snapchat of Wheelie Kid doing a bicycle trick. When you’re a first year, and you see wheelie kid for the first time, it’s a truly magical moment. Basically a celebrity around grounds, you can find him featured on many students’ Snapchats. You’ll also see Wheelie Kid play-by-play on Yik Yak. His signature move is the “wheelie”, and he can be spotted wearing either a spiky helmet or a scary mask while listening to his favorite tunes.
3. You have listened to students sing your favorite songs better than the original artists at Rotunda Sing. One of UVA’s oldest and most distinctive traditions is called Rotunda Sing. Students ranging from first through fourth year attend the event to watch performances from all of the university’s spectacular Acappella groups. Even if you can’t sing very well yourself, it is an incredible experience to sit down on a blanket and stay for the full event because it features music from all genres and it showcases some of the most artistic students at UVA.

The Corner in Charlottesville. (Flickr)
4. Your favorite place to hang out with your friends is called “The Corner.” The Corner is the perfect place to people watch, eat delicious food, and relax with friends between classes. Faculty and students alike can be spotted catching a coffee or grabbing lunch whenever they get the chance. Students can choose from a huge variety of restaurants at The Corner. Whether it’s to watch the UVA basketball game at Boylan over burgers or meet with a few friends at Roots for a healthy lunch, both carnivores and vegans can find something delicious to eat while on The Corner.
We interrupt this list to remind you to find your next Charlottesville apartment or house near the University of Virginia today. Okay, back to the things that make UVA, UVA.
5. You have seen the “Guys in Ties, Girls in Pearls” stereotype in action at a football game. There’s nothing better than spotting students, alumni, and parents flock to Scott Stadium dressed to the nines on a beautiful, fall game day. UVA’s official mascot is the Cavalier, and all UVA students love to see our very own Cavman on the field with his famous orange and blue cape and sword. When Cavman charges into Scott Stadium on horseback at the beginning of football games you can’t help but feel proud of UVA. We call ourselves the “Wahoos” or the “Hoos” and will be found screaming “WAH-HOO-WAH!” until the last seconds of every game. The highlight of any game happens when we sing the Good Old Song with all our arms linked together when our team scores a touchdown.
6. You have watched children and dogs in costumes “trick-or-treat” on the lawn. The annual “Trick-or-Treating on the Lawn” is easily the cutest UVA fall tradition. Student groups fill the coveted Lawn rooms to distribute candy to children outfitted in adorable costumes. If you’re lucky, you’ll even spot a few dogs participating and dressed up as well! Although this tradition is relatively new (it was established in the late 1980s) it is still something that the Charlottesville community and students look forward to every year.
7. You know what a secret society is … even though you probably aren’t in one. When you walk around grounds, it is hard not to spot the famous symbols of the Z Society, IMP Society, and Seven Society. You might even be able to catch a glimpse of the Purple Shadows if you wake up early enough on Thomas Jefferson’s birthday. However, these exclusive societies are not the only ones on grounds. Many secret societies let their presence be known more publicly. Some societies will offer words of encouragements to students during finals, while others will publish an annual ‘rebels’ and ‘tyrants’ list that gives everyone a good laugh for the day.
8. You have hiked Humpback Rock. Humpback Rock is a popular destination for the UVA students that enjoy being outdoors and exercising. Don’t underestimate this hike, though! The trek to the top of Humpback Rock is very steep but ultimately rewarding because the views from the top are absolutely breathtaking. Words cannot describe how incredible the panoramic view of the Blue Ridge Mountains is from the top, and it makes for a great photo op. In fact, one of the best ways to enjoy the scenic view is to wake up before sunrise and get to the top right as the sun is rising.
9. You feel comfortable leaving your belongings anywhere on grounds because of the honor system. The honor system is something that sets UVA apart from most other universities. UVA is a “Community of Trust”, and it allows students to rest easy if they lose their things or forget a possession in the library. You know that a compassionate fellow Hoo will always return something that you’ve lost. The students here pledge to never lie, cheat, or steal, and it is evident in everyday life.
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