Perhaps this is your first year of college and you opted out on on-campus living or maybe you’re finally getting ready to leave that dinky dorm room behind! Whatever your situation may be, it’s probably your first time looking for a place off-campus near Cornell, but how do you start? After an entire school year of guessing on your exams, let Rent College Pads take the guesswork out of where you’re going to live. We did tons of research to find the best of the best for Cornell off-campus housing so you don’t have to! After reading countless reviews, we have left you with our tops picks for Cornell University and Ithaca landlords.
After doing a year or two of hard time in the medium security correctional facility commonly referred to as “on-campus living”, students are itching for the freedom of living off-campus. No rules. No RA’s. No more shuffling down the hall in a towel to your room after a shower. Just freedom. But that freedom comes at a price: Rent.
While living off-campus is traditionally cheaper than living on-campus, that doesn’t mean that by choosing to live off-campus you’ll suddenly be paying thousands less in living expenses and start living like someone from Fancy Living Digest. What it actually means is that you’ll be paying a little less than you would in the dorms, but you’ll have more freedoms (and responsibilities).
Unfortunately for students across the nation, the cost of college is rising 8 times faster than the cost of wages (yikes) which makes paying for rent increasingly more difficult. Sure, there are a ton of ways to make sure you don’t end up having to sell a kidney (or two) to pay for next semester’s rent, like keeping what’s important in mind when you’re looking for your next place – I.e., lazy rivers, 24-hour fitness centers, indoor something-ball courts, and personal masseuses are not necessary amenities to have in your next rental.
However, when you attend any of our 10 campuses with super high rents, you’re going to be stuck.
While there are hundreds of different factors leading up to why these schools have the most expensive average rent prices for student renters, the main factors that affect the cost of rent include: Enrollment, Luxury Apartments, School Prestige, and Vacancy Rate. So let’s dive into the reasons why each campus is so expensive.
Becoming familiar with the different neighborhoods in Ithaca will help to determine where you want to spend your years college living off-campus. If you’re a Cornell student living off-campus in Ithaca, you’ve probably heard of the desiable student hub, Collegetown! Packed with houses, apartments, dining, nightlife and entertainment, this is the Ithaca student mecca. While there are several other neighborhoods in Ithaca, the majority of students do choose to reside in Collegetown. Interested in living off-campus near Cornell in Collegetown? Check out Collegetown rentals in Ithaca here. Continue reading → 2025-03-25 17:51:18 Dominic Anzalone
College Students love to eat! Cornell off-campus housing can lead to hungry bellies. Check out our list of the top five restaurants near Cornell University to find out where to refuel!
If you’re new to Cornell, you probably don’t know what to expect. Either way, college is the time to create memories that will last you a lifetime; you’re going to want to live it up and make the most of it! Luckily, there’s a lot to do near Cornell off-campus housing and the city of Ithaca to make your college years ones to remember.
Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We did a little research and settled on ten things that every Cornellian should do during their years at the University.
Finding a good coffee place is key to making it through your next semester at Cornell. Whether you’re grabbing a cup to get you going in the morning, or you need some extra encouragement for an all-nighter, students at Cornell spend their fair share of time fully caffeinated.
While some of you are still missing the beloved Stella’s Cafe, there are plenty of other awesome cafes and coffee shops to check out near campus! If you’re in need of caffeine fix, these five coffee houses near Cornell off-campus housing have got you covered.
So you’ve landed yourself a date. Congratulations. But don’t think you’re in the clear just yet; planning the perfect day can be as nerve-racking as leaning in for that first kiss.
Luckily, Downtown Ithaca is full of places to go and things to do near Cornell that are sure to impress even those who play hardest to get. According to the internet, these five ideas practically guarantee a second date—that is, if you’re not like super awkward or whatever.
In the last five years, students in Ithaca have mourned the loss of more than a few tried and true Collegetown hangouts; Dunbar’s, Chapter House, and Pixel to name a few. With their brethren dropping like flies, a few local establishments have managed to weather the tests of time and stay afloat while the rest of the city runs dry—seriously, where did all the drinks go?
To keep you updated on what’s new, hip, and still in business, we put together a list of the top five bars you should frequent if you’re a student or live around Cornell off campus housing. This list serves as not only a testament to their popularity with Ithaca locals but also a well-deserved “Congratulations” for making it this far.