We’ve been live at the University of Minnesota since October 15th and in that time, we’ve learned a lot about how students search for apartments and houses for rent around UMN.
It’s your 21st birthday and you’re finally old enough to join your friends at a College Station bar. No more using a poor excuse for a fake ID. No more staying at home while your friends head out after pre-gaming. No more passive-aggressive complaints about how bars are too crowded and not very fun anyway. Now you get to join the party and pay too much for beer and watered down drinks.
How can you make the most of it? Most bars offer specials for birthday boys and girls, but what happens when the specials are done? Where will you go then? Maybe you’ll bounce from bar to bar and try to figure out what scene makes you comfortable and which bars treat their customers the best. Or you’ll hear about a place and you’ll check out the menu and reviews online.
That’s where we come in. We’ve combed through reviews at bars all around Texas A&M to put together a definitive guide of the best and worst bars in College Station, Texas. Never again will you make a mistake and waste a Saturday night at a bar you’ll end up hating alongside the rest of the Internet mob. Continue reading
It’s 2 AM and your night is just getting started. The music is blaring, and the bar is a blast. The morning will never come. You’ll be young forever. Or at least, until your alarm hits the next day and you have to make it to that insane Friday morning class. Why would you pick a class on a Friday morning? What a huge mistake. You can’t skip it, though. You’ll have to sit there and suffer. But with the right hangover food, you can limit the lasting effects of the night before. Continue reading
According to the Bureau of Labor Stats, you’re spending more than a third of your day in bed. To us, that sounds like it might even be an underestimation. In this, The Age of Streaming, it doesn’t take much searching on Twitter or Facebook to see thousands of students across the country declaring their intention to spend the weekend in bed bingeing on a new Netflix series.
It stands to reason that more time in bed should mean more time spent washing bed sheets. But we seriously doubt students, of all people, are spending any more time in 2016 washing bed sheets than they did in 2000.
Bed sheets are often left behind on laundry day. If bed sheets were in a military movie, there’d be a tearful eulogy delivered about how they didn’t make it on laundry day. They were the good man that got left behind because hampers are only so big, and we can only stand so many trips to the laundry room.
The rest of your clothes provide a sense of relief on laundry day. When you can empty your hamper, get everything washed, dried, folded or hung and logic and order restored to your clothing rotation, that’s a great feeling. But bed sheets? They’re easy to forget, even though they’re putting in more work than even your most worn outfit.
Bed sheets are there for you every night, absorbing your body’s oils, skin cells, dirt, sweat and anything else you emit. Sure, a layer of clothing usually – usually – separates you from your sheets, but over the course of six to eight hours every night, they still get quite familiar with you.
So how often should you wash your sheets?
A good rule of thumb is never to let any of your household chores sit unattended to for more than two weeks. And that includes washing your sheets.Â
As a college student, you may be accustomed to living in a certain amount of filth. We assume your coffee table does not remain pristinely dusted and Windexed at all times. Your floor could probably use a Swiffering, and there may be a few dishes in your sink too. You’re busy with school and work and socializing. Cleaning shouldn’t be at the top of your to-do list every week. And we know you’re not made of money either. Laundry is secretly expensive. According to this article from the Daily Kansan, students spent $9-12 a week on laundry. Doing a load that’s just sheets and comforters, not even clothes that you get to wear, can be frustrating. BUT IT IS WORTHWHILE. YOUR SHEETS ARE DISGUSTING.
But when to wash them is only part of the battle. What do you do when you get them in the washing machine?
How do you wash your sheets?
Since you’re only going to be able to knock out sheet day every other week or so, make sure you do it right. According to Clean Organized Family Home – which sounds like the kind of place we all aspire to live in – sheets should be washed in hot water, especially if you’re dealing with a cold. All that built up bacteria needs to be hit with the heavy stuff.
Throw some bleach in there – bleach with chlorine if you have white sheets and that fancy oxy-bleach stuff if you have color sheets that can be stained or fade – and make sure to give it the hottest water setting. Hot water, detergent, and bleach are all necessary to kill bacteria effectively according to ABC News.
You may have been relying on your detergent to get rid of all the dirt and germs, but if you’re not using bleach or very hot water, you’re not killing the bacteria — they’re getting on your hands and staying in the washing machine.
So head up or down the stairs to the floor in your building that has laundry on it and restore order to your bed. You’re spending most of your time there, so you may as well make the best of the situation.
If you’ve ever taken the time to check out some apartment reviews on Google or Yelp or any other place where reviews live online, you’ll notice that college students have long had a few beefs with the college housing industry. But online reviews are unfulfilling. Too often they are experiences unique to one person, brought upon by a fractured relationship with the building they are leaving. It’s hard to trust one anonymous user review.
Strength is in numbers.
With that in mind, we surveyed college students across the country over the past couple of weeks to get some more feedback on the current state of college housing. One question we asked every student was, “What advice would you give your landlord?” After over 1,000 responses, we’ve seen a few common responses pop up time and time again. Continue reading

Via Flickr | Stephen Shankland
With all of the distracting, funny, or downright time-wasting things on the internet, it can be hard to remember that you can still use it to be productive and simplify your life. There are so many tools on the internet that trying to find and use all of them might seem counterproductive, so I compiled a list of them to try to help college students make the most of their time online.
Here are some free extensions for Google Chrome that can make college life a little bit easier. Continue reading
The CATABUS is nothing short of a life saver for many here at Penn State, especially for those living in apartments near Penn State. Whether it helps you get to class, the Nittany Mall, or to your apartment safely after a night out, you can always count on the CATABUS to take you where you need to go.
Tips for Navigating the CATABUS System: Continue reading
From supporting the Spartans on their quest for Big Ten supremacy to having more than 150 different undergraduate majors to choose from, life at MSU has something for everyone.
Living in East Lansing is one of the best parts about attending Michigan State University. But getting around the area might be difficult for those that are not familiar with the surrounding communities and hotspot areas. Check out the guide below to find what areas around MSU are the best for students to check out for housing, food, entertainment, and nightlife. And be sure to check out our MSU off-campus housing for all your searching needs. Continue reading

Old Main at Penn State University. | Flickr
If you’re looking for perfect apartments near Penn State, you may find yourself having the great debate: East Side or West Side?
Although Penn State students may not use these sides of town as a hard and fast source of separation, each side has its perks, which we’ve so conveniently curated and compared for you. Feel free to use this post as your compass and hopefully let it steer you towards the side that’s right for you. Continue reading

Maybe you’re a long time Columbia resident who is excited about getting your first apartment or house in the areas that always seemed so cool when you were growing up. Or maybe you’re a journalism grad student who just got into one of the best schools in the country and you need to find a place to live without the benefit of having visited the city before. We don’t know who you are, but we want to help you find the best Mizzou off-campus housing .
Your situation will determine what’s most important to you when looking for a place to live. We have a general idea of different situations facing students at Mizzou, so we’ve scouted out the locations around Mizzou and put together a guide to make your apartment search a little bit easier. Continue reading