Category Archives: College Life

14 Things To Do In College Before You Graduate

Everyone has advice for what you should do with your time in college. Why? Because everyone wishes they would have done more stuff when they were in college. It should be the time of your life. So don’t spend too much time studying and zero time focused on all the things around you that can bring you pleasure.

Honestly, we could have made a list of about 100 things, but we wanted to focus in on a few select things to do in college and give them more attention. Continue reading

7 Safety Apps for College Students
apps for college students

Use your phone as something other than a distraction.

College students are easy targets. They’re often caught up in good times and they haven’t yet learned life’s difficult lessons about safety. That’s why parents are always worried. That’s why everyone is always telling you to go out with a buddy. That’s why everyone is always harping on you to be aware. Students are often going through a lot of experiences for the first time in life and without experience to fall back on, it’s easy to be taken advantage of.

Fortunately, there are a lot of apps for college students that can make everything from walking home at night to dealing with earthquakes a safer experience. Continue reading


Graduating college is a big step in your future. Congratulations – you’re about to become a full-fledged adult! The world out here is not going to be as easy as you think it’s going to be: just fair warning. However, all pessimism aside, you need to celebrate. You deserve it. Here are some options; things you should consider doing to thank yourself for the hard work.


As you go through life, your friends will change, your relationships will change, your lifestyle will change, everything will change constantly; except for your family. Your family will be there to support you every step of the way, as you continue to work your way through life. Throw a big party with your family! It doesn’t matter if you are the first in your family to graduate college or if you’re the 101st. Your family will enjoy every minute of celebrating your success.


I got news for ya, traveling does not get easier as you get older. As someone who has been out of college for a few years (apparently I’m really old now?!) but has experienced a great deal so far, I’ll tell you that taking a trip only gets more difficult. Borrow some money if you have to, but go celebrate your four(+) years of hard work by going somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. Some go for a week, some go for a year, but do what makes you happy. You’ve got the rest of your life to work…



I know what you’re thinking, “I just flipping graduated!” I get it. But the fact of the matter is, if you want to stand out in today’s society, either you have to build something on your own (if you can dream it – you should do it!), or you should get yourself a Masters degree or even more. Education is very valuable, and every organization throughout the world places a great emphasis on bringing in talented, educated individuals. Not to mention you’re going to be worth more salary-wise. Maybe you thrive on knowledge, maybe you aren’t “done” with the college lifestyle yet, whatever the case may be, consider heading right back in. As with the trips, every year it’s going to get harder and harder to convince yourself to go back to school; so if you’re ready, make it happen!


Ok, so this sounds easier than it is. It also is more than likely not going to happen with your first gig out of college. However, search high and low, and you stand a good chance of finding it. Interview a lot, worst case scenario you’ll truly learn how to interview well. Give yourself options. The more offers that are on the table, the better. Every offer you have gives you more negotiation leverage with the one that you truly want. If you have one, two, three, or more offers that can provide more money, benefits, bonuses, etc., you may be able to convince the job that you want to hire you for what you want. If you’ve only got one offer, that’s fine, but the negotiation power stands with the hiring party. Just like in relationships, businesses always want what they can’t have. If there’s other interested parties, you instantly become more attractive. Work hard for a few months on this one, it’ll pay off for the rest of your life.


Whether you choose the “Fun route,” the “Not-so-fun-but-still-productive” route, you deserve one hell of a pat on the back. Enjoy yourself, or get to work, either way, be proud of what you’ve achieved.




Grocery Shopping On A Budget

Everybody knows that eating out and ordering in is a quick way to blow your food budget for the month but grocery shopping can feel expensive too. In order to make sure you save the most, you need to plan ahead.

Making a List not only helps you remember what you plan to buy, it also helps you narrow your purchases to the things you need. A list can also be a way of tracking deals and coupons.

Don’t Shop Hungry. Make sure you eat a snack before you go grocery shopping because everything looks delicious and cheap compared to an empty stomach.

Couponing isn’t just for soccer moms. When done the right way, you can save tons of money by getting a few cents off here and there on essentials. Just make sure you read the fine print, sometimes a buy one get one deal is really a 50% off deal trying to get you to buy double.

Check Unit Prices before deciding which brand or size to buy. Sometimes a larger size container is still the same price as the smaller per unit.

Store Brand foods are often just as good as a popular brand’s product but much cheaper. Only special foods differ much in taste by brand.

Don’t Buy Prepared Foods. A couple extra minutes washing and cutting up your produce isn’t that bad. You pay significantly more for the convenience of a ready-to-eat vegetable.

Prepare Your Meals On Weekends. Getting all your meals ready at the beginning of the week saves you time when you’re tired from school or work. It also prevents the lazy food ordering because you don’t feel you have the energy to make a whole meal.

Buying Produce in Season means you can still eat the things that are good for you and fresh without breaking the bank.

Buy Frozen when a food you want isn’t in season. It doesn’t really lose nutritional value and is cheaper than buying a food out of season when the shipping costs sky rocket.

Buy Deli Meat. Packaged meats are generally more expensive than going over to the deli counter and having them slice off the amount you want. That means you also get the right amount too, without more packaging, that you pay for.

Watch the Register as you check out. Sometimes sales advertised in the store haven’t made it into the programming of the register yet and things don’t always scan properly. If you watch the register and check your receipt, you can avoid accidents that cost you money.

Rent College launches at Marquette! an off-campus housing finder launches at Marquette University!

We recognize how finding off campus housing, well kind of just sucks. Not anymore, well at least for Marquette students. We are working with every major and small landlord to put all the vacancies in one spot to make your life easier. We know from experience and understand how big and confusing finding off campus housing in Milwaukee is!

Many students are stuck with whatever they can find, we want to change that.  With hundreds of properties on our site, you can use our favorites tool to compare your options and find what best suits you!

One of the largest pains a student can have is finding a roommate or sublease, we want to change that.  With our roommate and sublease option you can easily post  and see who else is looking without even creating a profile, it simply works with your face book to post a comment on our Roommates tab.


Everyone prefers specific things when looking for their perfect college pad. Why not let us help you sort through your options all in one place in a simplified manner?

Now after you found your pad on if something comes up and your roommate is studying abroad and wants to sublease their room what are you to do? Well, we have the solution for that too. We have a section where they can write all the information they want to give and it will post on Facebook also. This way the post will reach more people and thus they’ll have more options to find a better renter.

How easy is that? Now go out and tell everyone how you found your house and your roommate subleased their room! Let us help all college students simplify the griefs college housing can bring.

Let RCP be your off-campus housing solution.