Each year, thousands of students searching for Umich off-campus housing use CollegePads.com to find their perfect Ann Arbor rental. A majority of off-campus leases are signed during the Fall semester, almost a year in advance of the date that you would be moving in. If you’re looking to land one of the houses for rent in Ann Arbor, you’re going to want to have your search well underway in September and have a lease signed no later than November. Students still continue to sign throughout the spring semester, though options are severely limited by that point.
These properties were the five most contacted houses for rent in Ann Arbor by Michigan students during the Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 semesters.
After doing a year or two of hard time in the medium security correctional facility commonly referred to as “on-campus living”, students are itching for the freedom of living off-campus. No rules. No RA’s. No more shuffling down the hall in a towel to your room after a shower. Just freedom. But that freedom comes at a price: Rent.
While living off-campus is traditionally cheaper than living on-campus, that doesn’t mean that by choosing to live off-campus you’ll suddenly be paying thousands less in living expenses and start living like someone from Fancy Living Digest. What it actually means is that you’ll be paying a little less than you would in the dorms, but you’ll have more freedoms (and responsibilities).
Unfortunately for students across the nation, the cost of college is rising 8 times faster than the cost of wages (yikes) which makes paying for rent increasingly more difficult. Sure, there are a ton of ways to make sure you don’t end up having to sell a kidney (or two) to pay for next semester’s rent, like keeping what’s important in mind when you’re looking for your next place – I.e., lazy rivers, 24-hour fitness centers, indoor something-ball courts, and personal masseuses are not necessary amenities to have in your next rental.
However, when you attend any of our 10 campuses with super high rents, you’re going to be stuck.
While there are hundreds of different factors leading up to why these schools have the most expensive average rent prices for student renters, the main factors that affect the cost of rent include: Enrollment, Luxury Apartments, School Prestige, and Vacancy Rate. So let’s dive into the reasons why each campus is so expensive.
For most wolverines, North Campus at the University of Michigan is an urban myth: a place they’ve heard of, but have actually never even seen. North Campus is basically Bigfoot or the Lochness Monster. As a freshman opening your dorm assignment, it’s the one place you pray and cross your fingers that you don’t end up. Unfortunately, you’re not Harry Potter and no matter how many times you say, “not North Campus,” the Sorting Hat can’t get out of this one. Though many try, only few are lucky enough to get off the waitlist and moved to coveted Central Campus.Â
Although, that’s not to say it’s all bad. If you’re an engineer, art, or music major then North Campus is the perfect place for you. Want to check out what’s going on up in North Campus? Check out our University of Michigan map page and find North Campus apartments near the University of Michigan. Â
Ann Arbor is one of the biggest college towns in the country and thousands of students searching for houses and apartments near the University of Michigan use CollegePads.com every year to find housing. Like many other campuses across the nation, many students at Michigan start searching for housing during the Fall Semester upon returning to campus for the new school year. Students begin their search in late September and then really get going in October for leases that start the following August.
This September was no different. Students started searching for houses near the Michigan campus in the second half of September. The majority of students reach out houses for rent in Ann Arbor in these early days of the leasing season, while apartments typically start going off the market after October. Competition is fierce and there are fewer houses available than apartments close to campus!Â
Partying is arguably as much a part of the college experience as all-nighters and changing your major too many times. It’s what gives college students that weekly release from the rigors of the syllabus. It keeps us sane.
Though parties are a popular pastime on any college campus, parties at a B1G Ten school like the University of Michigan are a whole different story, a story that revolves around one street in particular: Main Street. Continue reading → 2025-03-25 18:01:24 Dominic Anzalone
Michigan Stadium at the University of Michigan (flickr)
The hunt for the house or apartment can be a stressful time for any college student. Between balancing a heavy course load and trying to maintain a healthy social life, there isn’t a whole lot of time between those much-needed naps to go hunting for your dream place. That’s why we here at Rent College Pads have decided to help out the lucky students who attend the University of Michigan.
We sifted through hundreds of reviews of Ann Arbor apartments and properties management companies near campus and compiled a list of the top ten places to rent near the University of Michigan. Continue reading → 2025-03-25 18:01:24 Dominic Anzalone