Category Archives: University of Delaware

10 Campuses With SUPER HIGH Rents for Students

After doing a year or two of hard time in the medium security correctional facility commonly referred to as “on-campus living”, students are itching for the freedom of living off-campus. No rules. No RA’s. No more shuffling down the hall in a towel to your room after a shower. Just freedom. But that freedom comes at a price: Rent.

While living off-campus is traditionally cheaper than living on-campus, that doesn’t mean that by choosing to live off-campus you’ll suddenly be paying thousands less in living expenses and start living like someone from Fancy Living Digest. What it actually means is that you’ll be paying a little less than you would in the dorms, but you’ll have more freedoms (and responsibilities).

Unfortunately for students across the nation, the cost of college is rising 8 times faster than the cost of wages (yikes) which makes paying for rent increasingly more difficult. Sure, there are a ton of ways to make sure you don’t end up having to sell a kidney (or two) to pay for next semester’s rent, like keeping what’s important in mind when you’re looking for your next place – I.e., lazy rivers, 24-hour fitness centers, indoor something-ball courts, and personal masseuses are not necessary amenities to have in your next rental.

However, when you attend any of our 10 campuses with super high rents, you’re going to be stuck.

  1. California State, Long Beach
  2. California State, Fullerton
  3. Rutgers University
  4. University of Michigan
  5. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  6. Cornell University
  7. University of Delaware
  8. Western Washington University
  9. University of Arizona
  10. Penn State University 

While there are hundreds of different factors leading up to why these schools have the most expensive average rent prices for student renters, the main factors that affect the cost of rent include: Enrollment, Luxury Apartments, School Prestige, and Vacancy Rate. So let’s dive into the reasons why each campus is so expensive.

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Top 5 Notable UDel Alumni


Many now-famous individuals have passed the iron gate at UDel (flickr)

College is a scary place full of doubts and terrors. Questions strike you in the middle of the night, jolting you upright in bed as you hit your head on your roommate’s bunk above you (and scaring him awake in the process): Do I live in the dorms or find University of Delaware off-campus housing? Did I choose the right university? Should I just drop out and become a waiter at Chili’s down the street?

If you’re attending the University of Delaware, don’t put on your server apron just yet. You’re in the right place, and it might help to know that hundreds of notable people asked themselves the same questions when they were in your shoes. Take a look at some of the many UDel success stories below to help calm your creeping college woes.

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10 Top Rated Newark Landlords – University of Delaware

Between studying for your next Calculus exam, writing your History midterm, soccer practice, and trying to figure out what you’re going to wear to the party next Friday, you have little time to pencil in University of Delaware off-campus housing hunting—especially when you need to link up your busy schedule with that of your equally busy roommates.

Hey, we get it. You have enough on your plate. Let us make the house hunting process a lot easier for you. We did all the digging and weeded through tons of reviews to bring University of Delaware students our top picks for landlords in Newark.

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