Tag Archives: Rent Prices

How To Competitively Set Your Rent Price

When setting the rates for your rental properties, you have to make sure your rent prices are set high enough so you can cover costs associated with being a landlord (like your mortgage, insurance, taxes (*sigh*), maintenance), but also be low enough to be competitive in the market.

Yeah, we know – that’s a lot easier said than done.

But as a College Pads customer, finding the sweet spot for rent prices is about to get a little easier with Rent Index. Check out how the Rent Index will help you stay competitive in your market!

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Ohio State University: 3 Big Reasons Why Rent Is Too Darn High in Columbus

Trying to find the money to pay rent every month feels like you’re competing against Usain Bolt in a 100-meter dash – you just can’t keep up. If you feel this way, know that you’re not alone. A huge chunk of students at Ohio State University are going through the same struggle as you. Without the “help” of financial aid, most students wouldn’t be able to afford their rent since the cost of a rental is rising faster than the cost of wages. Yikes.

But have you ever thought about why rent is the way it is in Columbus? Well, we have. This is why we decided to do a little digging to find out the top 3 reasons rent prices are so high near Ohio State University.

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